Nijolė Vedegytė-Palubinskienė (Palubinskas) was born in 1932 in Suvalkija, Žuklijai (County of Šakiai). After World War II she lived with her family in Hanau, West Germany. In 1949 they came to the United States, settling in Cleveland, Ohio. In 1955 she graduated from the Cleveland Institute of Art with a degree in painting and printmaking. From 1955–1966 she worked as an artist and designer for American Greetings Corporation. Since 1970 she has worked exclusively as a printmaker using woodcut, linocut, intaglio and monotype techniques. Throughout this period she also illustrated many books for children by Lithuanian writers and designed the book covers. Nijolė Vedegyte-Palubinskienė has arranged many solo and group exhibitions in America's most famous museums. In 1982 the artist was awarded the Culture Prize of Lithuanian doctors of Ohio. In 1990 she was awarded the Arts Council Award of Ohio for significant contribution to the art of Ohio.
In 1970, encouraged by the words of the graphic artist and printmaker Telesforas Valius – “graphics is poetry of art” – dedicated herself to graphics. She worked using woodcut, linocut, intaglio and monotype techniques. Many of her works have originated from memories about the shores of the river Nemunas and are closely related to Kretinga. The predominant subject of her works is the landscape. According to critics, graphic technique is limited with respect to the subtle nuances that require expression in landscapes but the artist due to the meticulous attitude to her work solves this issue.
2012 © VšĮ „Lietuvos išeivijos dailės fondas“, A.Tumėno g. 4, VilniusE: P: +370 5 2644741 F: +370 5 2644742